Corporate Governance Structure
Business Structure

João Paulo Brotto Gonçalves Ferreira
Kristof Neirynck
Natura &Co Holding
Group CEO – Fábio Colletti Barbosa
Kristof Neirynck
Natura &Co LatAm
CEO – João Paulo
Natura &Co LatAm: includes all operations under the Natura brand in all markets and Avon, Aesop and The Body Shop brands located in Latin America (‘LatAm’). João Paulo Ferreira is the CEO of Natura &Co Latin America.
Avon International: includes all operations under the Avon brand, except those located in Latin America. Kristof Neirynck is the CEO of Avon International.
Natura &Co is a global community of people working together for a better world. To achieve its purpose, Natura &Co has as one of its pillars Corporate Governance, through which it establishes robust standards of transparency, fairness, accountability and corporate responsibility.
Natura &Co’s Corporate Governance system follows the best national and international governance practices and it is reviewed annually to ensure that its processes are aligned with the governance guidelines established by the Board of Directors.
In 2005, the Corporate Governance Department was created as part of the Company’s commitment to corporate governance best practices, still within the scope of Natura Cosméticos, and it is today one of the five statutory directorships of Natura &Co.
The Company was established in accordance with the provisions of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976, and the rules of the Novo Mercado, its listing segment in the Brazilian Stock Exchange. In addition, Natura &Co also observes the recommendations of the Brazilian Code of Corporate Governance published by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). The Group’s commitment to the best corporate governance practices is reflected, among others, in its growing level of adherence to the Brazilian Code of Corporate Governance, as presented annually in its Corporate Governance Report.
Natura &Co is managed by its Board of Directors and by its Board of Officers.
The Board of Directors of Natura &Co Holding S.A. is currently composed of eight members highly experienced, all elected and dismissed by the General Shareholder Meeting or appointed by the Board of Directors in case of vacancy, with a unified term of office of two years. The reelection is allowed. The Company also establishes in its bylaws that at least one-third of the Directors of the Board must be independent directors, as defined in the Rules of ‘Novo Mercado’. Four of the eight members of the Board of Directors are independent, which corresponds to 50% of its current composition.
The Board of Directors is responsible, among others, for electing and dismissing the Company’s officers, assigning their functions, approving their powers and policies, as well as supervising their management.
For the best performance of its functions, the Board of Directors may create committees or workgroups with defined objectives, being composed of members appointed among management and/or other persons directly or indirectly related to the Company. Natura &Co currently has six committees, one of which is statutory.